USD 78.99/pieceUSD 159.60/pieceUSD 109.80/pieceUSD 108.98/pieceUSD 159.96/pieceUSD 99.68/pieceUSD 159.96/pieceUSD 133.76/piece
Comments From our Amzon Store
About us QIWANG,19 years in fashion high quality women bag manufacture.take many efforts in research ,development, and innovation to make more better bags for women.QIWANG brand is well known as a luxury high quality women bag in China.Have opened the Tmall,JD,Aliexpress.Amazon store.Next Goal is become like MK brand ,well known in the world. Shipment &Packing 1.Goods will send it out to you within 3days.and you can see the tracking number in order detail. 2.All products are free shipping in our store.Generally China Post Air Mail is our usually shipping way,It will take about 1-4 weeks to arrive at customer country due to different situation. 3.Please contact your local post office to confirm whether your package have been arrived within 20 days, if still not received, please let us know , we will urge the pace for you! 4.Goods packing with dust bag,polybag,and some papers inside to keep bag shape good.exported carton outside. 5.If you need the gift box service,please let us know,some bag is free provide gift box package service. Return& Refund 1.All our bags were under very strict inspecting before shipping out .For any other reason, you do not like or do not want the product, Make sure to keep the original state, and bear the freight yourself, After get the goods we will arrange a refund. 2.If we send you wrong or defective order package,not the same as your order,we will take the freight cost to return. About Feedback Thanks for your purchase at Qiwang store! We truly value your business and hope your experience with us was more than satisfactory. Customer feedback is very important to us and we would highly appreciate a positive feedback review.
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